Uplifting messages from parishioners

Just want to say that Fr Aidan is doing an amazing job and we all know how hard it is to stay focus in these testing times and through his efforts and daily masses he is keeping us all together both spiritually and emotionally along with his personal touches in contacting our sick and elderly parishioners and those from our parish who are on their own and letting them know that they are all in our prayers and thoughts and they are not alone we are with them and most importantly God is with them. We know what a fantastic Job from the amazing NHS staff to the Supermarket workers and other essential workers are doing Our Spiritual leaders should also be included as through the power of pray and great faith we have been given the strength and assurances that this sorry affair will end soon and our church will open again to welcome us and we will be together again. We thank you Fr Aidan and know that you are not on your own. We are all with you. Jennifer Boyd

Just watched Mass on the laptop, it was very emotional for me and made me realise how much we take our faith for granted. You never miss the water til the well runs dry. Fr Aidan was wonderful. Please tell him Kieran & I were responding all the way through and really appreciate what he is doing. Patricia & Kieran Maxwell

Tell Fr Aidan we really enjoyed Mass. He is a very clear speaker and it was a really nice service. Sadie Gorman & Martina O’Connor

Thank you for the Mass today. Tell Fr Aidan thanks and if there is anything I can do, let me know. Fiona, Roscoill

Father Brankin I am really enjoying mass and get a lot from it. Thank you Hope we will all be together soon God Bless,Nellie Monaghan

Fr. Aidan, Sean Molloy here, Deirdre’s brother, caring for Mum. Since this calamity has swept the planet by staying apart, we help each other. I have been watching your daily celebration of Mass at 10 am and have found the experience quite moving, with your solitary entrance and exit hymns echoing throughout that sacred space, making it so more profound and inclusive. In a way it reminds me of the rock mass at St OP that was so vital and valiant in keeping the faith through difficult times. Such is the immensity of this global crisis that I feel and hope that change is on its way, change for the good of all humanity. E Pluribus Unun.