It’s Time with One Voice to Gather and Pray

We at Healing the Land feel that we have been prompted by God to issue a call to the people throughout this land to gather, to pray with One Voice and to seek the intervention of Almighty God in the daily affairs and lives of the people. This we believe is a once in a life time opportunity for everyone, young and old to stand together, shoulder to shoulder and call on the Name of the Lord.

These are turbulent days and we are of the opinion that only a great turning back to and a seeking after God will reverse and indeed overcome the darkness pervading our communities, towns and cities. We are NOT seeking to be controversial in any way, but rather we are pursuing the Biblical model which urges people to gather together, to seek the Lord, to seek righteousness and to declare our love for Almighty God and for His Word. There will be an opportunity to repent of past sins as a people and for how we have worshipped God with our lips but our hearts are far from Him.

We believe the Body of Christ, His Church should stand together at this time declaring Jesus Christ is Lord to the Glory of God the Father. We intend to have a number of people pray including young Christians representing the Church of today.

We would gratefully value your help spreading the word among your congregations. We have been sharing about the gathering on social media, yet know there are large numbers of people who rely on word of mouth and to hear about such opportunities from their local Church. If you would like additional information, or a short meeting, we would be more than willing to meet with you. In the meantime I have attached an image that we have been posting on social media.

We are having conversations with the other mainstream denominations seeking their endorsement to their members. We believe the hour is urgent, time is short and for the wellbeing of the generation to come we need to ACT.

We look forward to hearing from you but may I urge you to give this request your most prayerful consideration.

“May God, who gives this patience and encouragement, help you live in complete harmony with each other, as is fitting for followers of Christ Jesus. Then all of you can join together with one voice, giving praise and glory to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 15:5-6

“When men and women pray God works.”